
生命意义的伦理拷问和价值排序——一则RH阴性O型生命抢救案例的风险分析 被引量:1

The Ethical Questioning and Value Sequence for the Science of Life——A Risk Analysis of a Chinese O Negative Patient Rescue Case
摘要 2008年10月,中国山东一位孕妇属于稀有血型RH阴性O型,其在清宫手术中需要紧急输血,因前期血型检测错误,后续血液检测和解冻迟缓,家属申请未检测用血失败,最终致使该生命失治而亡。该事件引起了很大的争议和广泛的讨论。从医学实践来看,这是个医疗事故,血型检测不精确,导致手术准备不足,而后因为输血过迟,稀有血型的检测和冷冻技术时间滞后造成悲剧;从生命伦理的角度来看,既是医生职业道德失落、医患关系紧张的反映,也是生命价值讨论和反思的一个现实例子。本文基于以上讨论,探讨了本案例中所蕴涵的三大风险:技术风险、经济风险和伦理风险,并着重对医疗实践中的生命价值问题进行了分析,从功利论、义务论、德性论、权利论、契约论等伦理学理论的视角对生命的价值和排序问题进行了伦理拷问和价值探究。 In October 2008,a Chinese pregnant woman of Shandong province is in need of blood in the process of curettage operation.Mistakes were made previously in blood type tests,and there was a delay in blood test and defrosting afterwards.Her family failed to apply for blood transfusion without a test,which led to the patient's death eventually.The incident caused massive controversial discussions in China.From the point of view of medical technology,it was in the first place a medical accident.Mistakes in blood type test led to the lack of preparation for operation;then lag in testing and defrosting technology of the rare blood led to the delay in blood transfusion and caused the tragedy.From the point of view of life value,it is a reflection of the relationship tension between doctors and patients,as well as an actual case for the discussion and review of life value.Based on above information,this article discusses three major risks in this case: technology risk,economic risk and ethical risk.It mainly discusses the life value issues in medical practice,questions and explores the value and the sequences of life from ethical theories' view such as utilitarianism,deontology,virtue ethics,contract ethics,and right ethics.Upon the analysis above,the author states that in bioethics,it is necessary to emphasize risk analysis,ethical decision and responsibility ethics in problem solving.
作者 张彦
出处 《吉林师范大学学报(人文社会科学版)》 2011年第2期65-69,共5页 Journal Of Jilin Normal University:Humanities & Social Science Edition
关键词 生命价值 责任伦理 伦理风险 生命伦理 价值排序 value of life responsibility ethic ethical risk bioethics value sequence
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