
东北亚地区的民族国家认同、地区认同与对外认知 被引量:1

National Identification,Regional Identification and Foreign Cognition of Northeast Asia
摘要 认同会对政治的认识与行为带来重要影响。但从国际关系视角对这一问题进行研究尚处于起步阶段。本文就构建东北亚共同体为背景,以韩中日三国为主轴,通过问卷调查的形式,对东北亚地区民族国家认同的强度和影响力,民族国家认同对地区认同的形成以及东北亚国家的对外认识的影响,超国家的接触对国家、地区认同及对外认识的影响等三个问题得出了结论。并认为,韩中日三国均表现出强烈的国家认同,并对地区共同体的形成产生不良影响;东北亚地区存在的否定相互认知,根源在于日本帝国主义的侵略战争。 Identification has an important influence on cognition and behavior of politics. However,the research on this issue from the view of international relations is still on the primary stage.On the background of establishing Northeast Asia Community,following the major themes of Korea,China and Japan,by the form of questionnaire,this paper draws a conclusion about intensity and influence of national identification of Northeast Asia,effect of national identification on formation of regional identification and foreign cognition of countries of Northeast countries,and efFect of super-national contact on national,regional identification and foreign cognition.This paper also points out that Korea,China and Japan all demonstrate intense national identification and have a detrimental effect on regional community;negative mutual cognition in Northeast Asia is rooted in Japanese imperialist aggression.
出处 《当代韩国》 2010年第4期1-9,共9页 Contemporary Korea
关键词 国家认同、地区认同、对外认知 东北亚共同体 National Identification Regional Identification Foreign Cognition Northeast Asia Community
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