
α粒子诱发BEP2D细胞恶性转化中抗氧化能力和辐射敏感性研究 被引量:6

Antioxidant ability and radiosensitivity in malignant transformed human bronchial epithelial cell line BEP2D induced by α-particle irradiation
摘要 目的研究α粒子诱发人支气管上皮细胞BEP2D恶性转化中细胞的抗氧化能力和辐射敏感性变化。方法运用谷胱甘肽过氧化物酶(GPX)、过氧化氢酶(CAT)和谷胱甘肽(GSH)试剂盒分别检测永生化人支气管上皮细胞BEP2D、α粒子作用BEP2D后第21代细胞RH21和α粒子作用BEP2D细胞后形成的恶性转化细胞BERP35T-1内抗氧化酶GPX和CAT的活性以及抗氧化剂GSH的含量;四甲基偶氮唑盐比色(MTT)法检测0、30、60、90、120和150μmol/L H2O2作用BEP2D、RH21和BERP35T-1细胞96h后,细胞增殖率的差异;0、2、4和8Gy1射线照射BEP2D、RH21和BERP35T.1细胞7~9d后,用细胞克隆计数和MTT法检测细胞增殖率和存活分数的变化。结果RH21和BERP35T-1细胞中GPX酶活力均低于BEP2D细胞(t=5.75和7.65,P〈0.05)。BEP2D细胞中CAT酶活力是RH21细胞的2.64倍,是BERP35T-1细胞的5.76倍。RH21细胞中GSH含量与BEP2D细胞比较,差异无统计学意义;恶性转化细胞BERP35T-1内GSH含量则明显低于BEP2D细胞(t=7.76,P〈0.05)。与BEP2D细胞相比,60、90、120和150μmol/LH202作用后RH21细胞的增殖率降低(t=29.90—84.68,P〈0.01),30、60、90、120和150μmol/LH202作用后BERP35T-1细胞的增殖率降低(t=10.37~58.36,P〈0.01)。4和8Gy γ射线照射后,RH21细胞的增殖率和存活分数均显著低于BEP2D细胞(t=6.33—45.00,P〈0.05);2、4和8Gy^y射线照射后,BERP35T-1细胞的增殖率和存活分数较BEP2D细胞明显降低(t=5.87—34.17,P〈0.05)。结论 α粒子诱发人支气管上皮细胞BEP2D恶性转化过程中,细胞的抗氧化能力降低、辐射敏感性增强。抗氧化系统功能减弱可能是α粒子诱发BEP2D细胞恶性转化和辐射敏感性增强的机制之一。 Objective To investigate the antioxidant ability and radiosensitivity in the malignant transformed human bronchial epithelial cell line BEP2D induced by a-particle exposure. Methods Glutathione Peroxidase (GPX), Catalase (CAT) and Glutathione (GSH) assay kits were employed to detect GPX and CAT enzyme abilities and the levels of GSH in BEP2D, RH21 ( passage 21 of c^-particle-irradiated BEP2D cells), and BERP35T-1 cells (derived from nude mice bearing malignant transformed cells generated from cells of passage 35 of α-particle-irradiated BEP2D cells). MTT assay were used to test the growth rate of BEP2D, RH21 and BERP35T-1 cells treated with 0, 30, 60, 90, 120, and 150 μmol/L H202. Colony-forming test and MTT assay were used to examine the cell survival fraction and the growth rate of BEP2D, RH21 and BERP35T-1 cells exposed to 0, 2, 4, and 8 Gy of α-rays, respectively. Results GPX and CAT enzyme activities in RH21 and BERP35T-1 cells were obviously lower than in BEP2D(t = 5.75-67.92,P 〈 0. 05). CAT enzyme activity in BE RP35T-1 was lower than that in RH21 cells (t = 22.25 ,P 〈 0.01 ). Compared to BEP2D cells, decreased level of GSH was detected in BERP35T-1 cells(t =7.76,P 〈0. 05) , but there was no change in RH21. After treatment with 30, 60,90, 120, and 150 ixmol/L H202, the growth rates of BEP2D were all higher than those of BERP35T-1 cells(t = 10. 37-58.36,P 〈 0.01 ). Meanwhile, the growth rates of BEP2D were all higher than those of RH21 cells after treatment with 60, 90, 120, and 150 txmol/L H202 ( t = 29.90-84.68,P 〈 0.01 ). In addition, compared to BEP2D cells, decreased cell survival fraction and growth rate of BERP35T-1 cells were observed after irradiation with 2, 4, and 8 Gy of α-rays( t = 5.87-34.17 ,P 〈 0. 05 ). The cell survival fraction and growth rate of RH21 were all lower than those of BEP2D cells at 4 and 8 Gy post-irradition( t = 6. 33- 45.00,P 〈 0. 05 ). Conclusion The function of antioxidant system decreased in the a-particle- induced transformed cells, which could contribute to the acceleration of cellular malignant transforming process and radiosensitivity.
出处 《中华放射医学与防护杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2011年第1期1-5,共5页 Chinese Journal of Radiological Medicine and Protection
基金 国家自然科学基金(81000862) 中国科学技术部社会公益研究专项(2005DIB1J087) 卫生行业科研专项(200802018)
关键词 人支气管上皮细胞 Α粒子 抗氧化能力 辐射敏感性 癌变 Human bronchial epithelial cell line α-particle Antioxidant ability Radio- sensitivity Carcinogenesis
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