

Distance to Ill-posedness of Generalized Conic Linear Optimization Problems
摘要 给出了广义锥线性优化问题的非可行距离可行的充要条件,进而利用所得结果给出凸过程的非可行距离的等价刻画.并对更一般的广义锥线性优化问题进行研究,得到类似结果. ome properties of the distance to ill-posedness of generalized conic linear optimization problems are studied.Sufficient and necessary condition of the feasibility of such system,and equivalent characterization of the "distance to ill-posedness" for convex process are given.Moreover,similar results of generalized conic linear optimization problem in the more general case are obtained.
作者 王斌 胡艳红
机构地区 哈尔滨师范大学
出处 《哈尔滨师范大学自然科学学报》 CAS 2010年第3期9-11,16,共4页 Natural Science Journal of Harbin Normal University
基金 哈尔滨师范大学青年学术骨干资助计划项目(KGB201004)
关键词 锥线性优化 非可行距离 Renegar条件数 Conic linear optimization Distance to ill-posedness Renegar condition number.
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