
振荡波电压法检测10kV电缆局部放电试验 被引量:25

10 kV XLPE cable partial discharge detection based on oscillating waves
摘要 介绍了振荡波电压法测试系统的主要原理、设备构成及局部放电定位技术的原理;基于振荡波电压法检测技术,通过在一条退运10 kV交联聚乙烯短电缆上人工设置各种模拟缺陷,对系统的检测效果进行了初步分析,得出振荡波电压法对某些类型的缺陷如错用绝缘胶带等效果十分明显,而对其他一些缺陷如压接管表面存在毛刺等效果有待进一步研究;研究也表明电缆终端缺陷的检测可能会由于高压线夹表面放电引入干扰受到影响,建议采取其他辅助检测手段如开关柜局部放电检测技术或对高压线夹进行防电晕处理。 The composition of OWTS(Oscillating Wave Test System) and the principle of PD(Partial Discharge)locating technique are introduced.A short XPLE cable which is out of service is artificially set with various simulative defects and tested by OWTS.The results of tests show that,some defects are easily detected,such as the misuse of insulating tape,but the others are not,such as the surface burr of press-connect-tubes.Study shows that the detection of terminal defect may be influenced by the surface discharge of high-voltage line nipper and the switchgear PD detecting technology or the anti-corona treatment of high-voltage line nipper is suggested.
出处 《电力自动化设备》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2010年第11期137-140,共4页 Electric Power Automation Equipment
关键词 配网 电缆 振荡波 局部放电 distribution system cable oscillating wave partial discharge
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