目的对2008年~2009年6月深圳市手足口病病例的基本流行病学特征进行分析,为研究该病重点人群和预防控制策略提供基础信息。方法采用SPSS 16.0对2008年1月~2009年6月通过中国疾病预防控制系统报告的深圳市手足口病病例进行核实和分析。结果发病曲线显示深圳市手足口病报告从2008年3月下旬至4月份开始增加,高峰持续到7月中旬。2008年10、11月份出现发病次高峰。在全部12112例病例中,5岁及以下年龄组占92.5%。其中1岁组男性2019例,占全部病例的16.7%。2008年~2009年6月,发病主要集中在散居儿童。2008年发病至诊断的时间平均为1.86d(s=2.44),2009年为1.58d(s=2.03)。结论手足口病已成为深圳市公共卫生的挑战之一,预防控制策略应考虑手足口病的高危人群和季节性发病高峰。
Objective To analyze basic epidemiologic features for the 12 112 cases of hand, foot and mouth disease (HFMD) in Shenzhen city and provide critical information on high risk population and key prevention strategies. Methods The data of sporadic cases were exported from the National Disease Reporting Information System, and analyzed by SPSS 16. 0. Results The incidence curve showed that the number of cases reported rising in late March, and the peak continued until mid-July in 2008, the second peak occurred in October and November. Of the 12 112 eases of HFMD, 92.5% were 5 years old or below and the one years old and male cases accounted for 16.7% (2 019). The cases were mainly concentrated in the diaspora children. The average time span from the disease onset to diagnosis was 1.86d (s = 2. 44) and 1.58d (s = 2. 03) in 2008 and 2009, respectively. Conclusion HFMD has been proved to be one of the most challenging public health threatens in Shenz- hen. The prevention and control strategies on the hand, foot and mouth disease should consider the high-risk groups and seasonal incidence peaks.
Journal of Tropical Diseases and Parasitology
Hand, Foot and Mouth disease (HFMD), Epidemiology, Characteristics