目的:开发运行于Windows环境之下的采用图形用户界面的新型计算机X线头影测量分析系统。方法:在采用面向对象方法进行系统分析的基础之上,以可视化编程语言VisualC+ + 编制全部程序。结果:用户可通过扫描仪将病人的X线头颅侧位片扫描输入,然后在本系统的支持下,在屏幕所显头颅影像中直接标定测量基准点,勾画组织轮廓并进行测量和重叠比较分析,结果可打印输出。结论:本研究成果具有人机界面友好,操作简单直观,功能实用强大,易于扩展升级等优点。
Objective: This study was to develop a new computer-aided cephalometic system running under the environment of Windows and with characteristic of GUI. Methods:The object-oriented method was taken to analyses and design system; Visual C++ was used to write the procedure. Results: users can input X cephalometric rediographs by using scanner. With the support of the system, the works of determining of points and trailng of craniofacial structure can be done on the digitized images appearing on the screen. The system has capabilities of measuring and overlaping analysis.Conclusions: This system is valuable for its friendly user interface, strong functions and simple operations.
Journal of Comprehensive Stomatology
江苏省科委资助!项目 编号:BJ97145