Primary oPen angle glaucoma is marked by opticdisk cul7Ping and optic nerve damage. But their mechanismremains urlclear and no available theories can fully interpretall the clinical Phellomena. In this paper, a hypothesis on themechanism of glaucomatous ()ptic nerve damage was pr()posedby the author. It is sllggested that physiologic 0ptic disk cup,which na1urally forms by op1ic nerve fiber's convergeflce andbackward bending, is the weakest site of optic nerve head andmay be gradually deepened and enlarged under the long last-ing insll1ts of intraocular pressure. The enlarged optic diskcups have changed the nerve fiber's conformati0n and devel-oped three curves. The i?urves, which form against the pointsof hard connective tissues at the lateral front edges of laminacribr()sa pores and at the optic disk edge, are injurious. Theymay block the axonal transport and resll1t in retr0grade reti-nal ganglion cell loss. ()n this hypothesis, the damage of 0cu-lar hyI)ertension, normal tension glaucoma and characteristicglaucon1atous visual field defect have been re!1sonabIy ex-plalned. A1so on this hypothesis, a new remedy to prevent orpostpone the glaucomatous oI)tic nerve damage by vitrectomy, togcther with impIants t() level up the enlarged optic diskcup, has been suggested.
Journal of the Fourth Military Medical University
optic nerve
optic disk
visual fields
intraocular pressure