目的:研究鼻中隔偏曲的轴位CT形态学。材料和方法:共1680例头颅CT检查的病例,男1236例,女444例,平均年龄 46. 4岁。从眦耳线向下 3 cm,作 2~3层轴位扫描,观察鼻中隔的形态。将鼻中隔偏曲分为三度:轻度,<0. 3 cm;中度,0. 31~0. 6 cm;重度,>0. 6 cm。记录鼻中隔偏曲的形态。结果:鼻中隔偏曲的患病率,总体为 48.8%,男明显高于女(53.9%,34.7%;P<0.01)。弓形偏曲73.6%,“V”形偏曲12.5%,“S”形偏曲9.2%,波浪状偏曲4.8%。前二型偏曲中,轻、中和重度偏曲分别占12.3%,58.3%和29.4%。偏曲方向间无显著性差异(左48.5%,右51.5%;P>0.05)。大部分偏曲(63.7%)发生在鼻中隔软骨或软骨与筛骨垂直板交界处。结论:CT可清楚地显示鼻中隔的解剖形态和邻近结构的变化。
To investigate the morpholgy of nasal septal deviation on axial CT. Methods: CT imaging data of 1680 consecutive cases of head examinations were prospectively studied, including male 1236 and female 444 with mean age 46. 4 years. In order to ascertain the morphological features of the deviation on axial CT, the patients were additionally examined at the level of 3 cm infraorbital meatal line. The degree of deviation was measured and classified as minor (<0. 3 cm), middle (0. 31-0. 6 cm) and severe (>0. 6 cm). The forms of deviation were recorded. Results: The incidence of nasal septal deviation was 48. 8%. There was signigicant difference between male and female incidences (53. 9%, 34. 7%; p<0. 01 ). In axial CT the deviation appeared as bow-shaped (73. 6 % ), V-shaped (12. 5 % ), S-Shaped (9. 2 % ) and wave-shaped (4. 8% ). There was no significant difference between left and right lateral deviation (left 48. 5 %, right 51. 5% 3 P >0. 05). The majority of nasal septal deviations (63. 7% ) were located at the cartilage of nasal septum or junction of the cartilage with clearly indicates the anatomic variation of the septum and the axial scanning of the nasal septum clearly indicate the anatomic variation of the septum and the other abnormalities adjacent to the region.
Chinese Journal of Anatomy