
上海地区艾滋病患者生存质量研究 被引量:4

Quality of life for patients with AIDS in Shanghai
摘要 目的研究中国文化背景下,在上海地区检测求治的艾滋病患者的生存质量现状。方法采用参与式观察和深入访谈相结合的方法,对118名在上海检测求治的艾滋病患者的生存质量现状进行研究。结果艾滋病患者的生存质量包括心理健康、生理健康、人际关系和社会环境四个方面,且这四个方面表现都比较差。结论为了提高艾滋病患者的生存质量,需要提高艾滋病相关知识的普及率、为艾滋病患者设立专业的心理咨询门诊、努力消除社会歧视态度、完善社会医疗保障制度。 Objective:to investigate quality of life (QOL) in patient seeking examination and treatment for AIDS in Shanghai, under the Chinese cultural background. Methods: Participant observation was used to study QOL of 118 patient seeking examination and treatment for AIDS in Shanghai, combined with In-depth interview. Results: The QOL of AIDS patients unfolds as four aspects, including mental health, physical health, relationship and social environment, all of which are below average for these patients. Conclusion: In order to improve the QOL of AIDS patients, we need to increase the penetration rate of AIDS-related knowledge, set up professional psychological counseling clinics for AIDS patients, strive to eliminate discrimination, and improve the social heahh insurance system.
出处 《上海精神医学》 2010年第B12期410-412,共3页 Shanghai Archives of Psychiatry
基金 "艾滋病和病毒性肝炎等重大传染病防治"科技重大专项:艾滋病合并结核分枝杆菌感染人群治疗策略研究(课题编号:2008ZX10001-008)
关键词 艾滋病患者 生存质量 质性研究 AIDS Patients Quality of Life Qualitative Research
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