
生产服务型企业差异化服务能力对竞争优势的影响:以钢铁行业为例 被引量:1

Impact of Differentiated Service Capability on Competitiveness of Productive Services Provider:Evidence from Steel Industry
摘要 随着市场复杂性和竞争强度的日益加剧,传统的工业贸易企业逐渐向生产服务型企业转型,从而使得原来以产品传递为特点的运作,变成了以与客户互动为基础的集成服务运作。然而,以往的研究对与不同客户需求之间的互动如何影响生产服务型企业战略分析较少。文章以中国钢铁行业的调研数据和资料为基础,运用实证方法,分析了生产型服务企业的服务能力,即资源供应、需求管理以及客户战略匹配等三种形态。研究发现对不同的下游客户,差异化的服务能力对竞争优势的形成产生了不同的影响,对于大型企业,资源的供应能力和战略匹配是决定生产服务型企业竞争力的主要来源,而对于中小型企业,资源供应能力和需求管理是形成竞争力的源泉。 Higher market complexity and increasing competitive intensity are forcing traditional B2B trading companies to change their positions to productive services provider, and business model was changed from goods delivery services to continuously extending the service operation through interaction with customers. However, the existing literature tends to be somewhat vague in defining interaction behaviors with different customers and service strategy, by which productive services provider wish to move along the continuum. The aim of this paper is to identify service strategies that correspond with specific customer demands. Using empirical methodologies and data sources, the study highlights three different service capabilities including resources supply capability, demand management and strategy fit with customers. The study further finds these strategies have different impact on competitiveness for different type of downstream enterprises. For large enterprises, resources supply capability and strategy fit are significant factors, while for SMEs, resources supply capability as well as demand management play an important role in suppliers" competitiveness.
作者 宋华 张彦
出处 《当代经济管理》 2011年第3期23-29,共7页 Contemporary Economic Management
基金 中国社会科学基金资助项目(08BJY078) 中国人民大学研究生科学研究基金项目(10XNG027)
关键词 生产服务型企业 差异化服务能力 竞争优势 钢铁行业 productive services provider, differentiated service capability, competitiveness, steel industry
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