

A New Stator Flux Observer Based on Model-optimized Auto Disturbance Rejection Control
摘要 磁链观测是实现高性能转矩控制的基础。针对直接转矩控制系统低速时磁链观测精度差的问题,提出了一种基于模型优化自抗扰控制的新型定子磁链观测器,以定子磁链的频率响应函数为依据,根据其幅频和相频特性分析了磁链观测对电机参数变化的敏感性。分析结果表明,按照这种思路设计的定子观测器在不同的转速和负载条件下都能达到较为理想的观测精度。 Accurate flux observation is critical to high performance torque control.In this paper,a new stator flux observer based on the model-optimized auto disturbance rejection control(ADRC) is proposed to improve the observing performance of direct torque control system at low speed.In terms of the frequency response function of stator flux,the sensitivity to machine parameters is analyzed according to the amplitude-frequency and phase-frequency characteristics.Simulation results show that better performance of the stator observer can be achieved under different speeds and load situations.
出处 《大功率变流技术》 2011年第2期6-12,16,共8页 HIGH POWER CONVERTER TECHNOLOGY
基金 科技部项目(2009DFA61040)
关键词 模型优化 自抗扰控制 定子磁链观测 频率响应函数 扩张状态观测器 model-optimization auto disturbance rejection control(ADRC) stator flux observation frequency response function(FRF) extended state observer(ESO)
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