
学校心理社会环境评定问卷编制的初步探索 被引量:4

Development and preliminary evaluation of psycho-social environment of school(PSES)
摘要 目的编制适合我国中小学校心理社会环境评定的工具,为科学评定学校心理社会环境和对学生进行心理干预提供依据。方法根据标准化问卷开发程序,通过文献回顾、专家咨询,定性研究形成条目池;运用7种统计方法对各条目进行筛选,以北京、陕西2 175名中小学生为被试,初步评价其信度和效度。结果探索性因子分析将该问卷划分为亲密度和矛盾冲突两大维度。经过筛选,共有55个条目入选,该问卷的重测相关系数、Cronbach'sα系数、分半信度系数分别为0.920,0.939,0.679;与儿童自我意识问卷(PHCSS)的效标关联效度为0.326~0.628;所有条目的累积贡献率达32.468%。结论学生评定问卷具有较好的准确性和可靠性,但还有待进一步研究和完善。 ObjectiveTo develop the psycho-social environment of school(PSES) which is suitable to Chinese situation and to provide scientific basis for promoting mental health of students.MethodsAccording to a standard procedure,the items of the questionnaire for PSES were developed through literature review,expert consultation and relevant qualitative research.By using seven statistic methods,items were selected,and 2 175 students as participants in Beijing and Shannxi.And then evaluate its reliability and validity.ResultsThe PSES was sorted into two dimensions by exploratory factor analysis method.The final PSES was composed of 55 items.The test-retest correlation coefficient,Cronbach's α coefficient and split-half reliability coefficient of the PSES were 0.920,0.939 and 0.679,respectively.Taking PHCSS as criterion,the criterion-related validity were 0.326-0.628.The cumulative percentage of the item was 32.468%.ConclusionThe questionnaire for PSES has a good reliability,but it needs to be further studied and modified in the future.
出处 《中国学校卫生》 CAS 北大核心 2011年第3期275-277,共3页 Chinese Journal of School Health
关键词 社会环境 精神卫生 问卷调查 学生保健服务 Social environment Mental health Questionnaires Student health services
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