
基于能量有效性的协作节点配置问题研究 被引量:3

Study on Cooperative Nodes Deployment based on Energy Efficiency
摘要 无线通信的能耗主要由功放能耗和电路能耗两部分组成。在大距离传输中,通信能耗由功放能耗主导,电路能耗往往被忽略不计。而在以短距离传输为主的传感器网络中,电路能耗成为不可忽略的一部分,甚至有可能超过功放能耗成为通信能耗的主导。本文就如何通过节点间协作降低网络的通信能耗展开研究,拟解决协作通信中的协作节点配置问题。本文将信源-协作节点间距离纳入协作通信系统模型,提出一种针对调制参数、协作中继数、信源-协作簇距离对协作通信能耗进行联合优化的策略,并在无线传感器网络环境下对该模型的能耗进行了仿真。仿真结果表明,在传输距离一定的情况下,通过协作节点的数量、调制参数和信源-协作簇距离的联合优化配置,可以更有效地提高协作传输的节能效果。 Energy consumption in wireless communication includes amplifier energy consumption and circuit energy consumption. In long-distance communications,amplifier energy consumption is a great major of energy consumption,so circuit energy consumption is usually omitted.However,in short-distance communications,circuit energy consumption may exceed amplifier energy consumption and even become the majority of sum energy consumption.So,how to exploit the advantage of cooperative diversity in wireless communication becomes a crucial problem.In this paper,we try to solve the problem of cooperative nodes deployment in wireless communication networks.We include the distance between source node and cooperative nodes cluster into cooperative communication system model and propose a strategy to optimize sum energy consumption according to modulation parameter,the number of cooperative nodes and the distance between source node and cooperative nodes cluster.Simulation results in wireless sensor network show that the optimized cooperative nodes deployment can greatly improve the cooperation and save more energy.
作者 季薇 郑宝玉
出处 《信号处理》 CSCD 北大核心 2011年第3期321-327,共7页 Journal of Signal Processing
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(60972039) 国家863计划项目(2009AA01Z241) 江苏省高校自然科学研究项目(09KJB510012和08KJB520008) 南京邮电大学人才引进启动基金(NY209003) 南京邮电大学攀登计划基金(NY210010)
关键词 协作分集 能量有效性 无线传感器网络 Cooperative Diversity Energy Efficiency Wireless Sensor Networks
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