
爆炸烟云运动的试验与数值模拟研究初探 被引量:5

Numerical Modeling and Experimental Research on the Movement of the Explosion Clouds
摘要 通过高速CCD摄影机和高性能摄像机对一定量的TNT炸药爆炸产生的火球和烟云的运动过程进行了记录,按照实时记录结果,将爆炸分为火球发展阶段和烟云上升阶段来研究;利用高速CCD拍摄结果对爆炸火球进行分析,在分析爆炸烟云运动机理的基础上,将试验火球最大尺寸作为初始条件建立了数值求解模型,采用2维变密度投影法对试验烟团的发展过程进行了数值模拟,并与高性能摄像机所拍试验烟云进行比较,发现两者变化趋势相似。该试验研究方法和数值计算模型可为爆炸烟云运动的研究提供一定的参考。 It presents the experimental research and numerical modeling on the movement of explosion clouds. The experiment was performed under two kinds of recorder,one is high speed CCD recorder which was mainly used to record the process of the fireball when the TNT was detonated,and the other is SONY vidicon that was mainly used to record the movement of the clouds.Based on the assumption that the effects on the clouds were gravity and buoyancy,the numerical model on the thermal was established.The initial condition of the thermal that was to say the initial cloud dimension was gained through the results of the recording of the highly CCD recorder. Followed this,the results of the numerical simulation were presented.And the computational results of the rising cloud are reasonable compared to that of the experiment.Thus,it can be seen that the numerical modeling and experimental research methods presented in this paper are reasonable and it can be serve as a reference to related person.Finally,the problems about the experiment and the model are pointed to establish a more accurate model.
出处 《核电子学与探测技术》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2011年第2期131-135,共5页 Nuclear Electronics & Detection Technology
关键词 爆炸烟云 RDD CCD 投影法 热团 Nuclear clouds RDD Projection method CCD Thermal
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