提出了以公共信息平台为核心的500 kV输变电监控中心自动化系统的架构,该架构由实时运行支持总线、准实时总线以及集控业务服务总线组成,在信息流和业务流优化,以及图模统一的基础上,实现集控中心各业务自动化子系统的信息共享和功能完善、升级。从而有效的避免了以专业框架为依托分立建设各系统产生"信息孤岛"的弊端,基于公共的基础支撑服务,实现集控中心中监控SCADA系统、继电保护及故障信息管理系统、输电线路故障测距系统等诸多业务子系统之间的无缝集成。文中对实现此架构的关键点:信息的优化共享以及一次设备模型与二次设备模型融合、关联等做了研究和探讨。按照此架构建设的集控自动化系统能够实现在信息一致性共享的基础上,能够实现运行单位对500 kV输变电设备的运行、维护、检修和管理所要求的面向500 kV电网的全景状态感知,以及自动化人员对各系统的"一点维护"和"即插即用"的需求。将此研究结果应用于工程实际取得了理想的效果。
The architecture of automation system in integrated control center is presented with the common information platform as backbone.In order to satisfy the requirements of information sharing and exchange among SCADA,relay protection and fault information system,and fault location system for transmission line,the common information platform is composed of real-time running support bus,quasi-real time bus and business service bus for integrated control center.Each business sub-system can use the common supporting services to implement seamless integration.The operators can be aware of the status of 500 kV electrical network using the telemetry data,information about protective relay and recorded fault data collected by automation system in integrated control center,to assure the operation,maintenance and repair of 500kV transmission and transformation devices.
Jiangxi Electric Power