以上海某下承式钢桁架拱桥为例,以新抗抗震设计规范为依据,以Midas/Civil V7.40软件为工具,探讨了E1地震作用下下承式钢桁架拱桥的动力特性及有关的抗震设计问题,明确了设计中应注意的地方,得到了一些有益的结论。文中为该类桥梁的抗震设计提出的分析研究思路和方法,可供类似桥梁的设计人员提供借鉴。
In the paper,a tied through steel truss arch bridge in Shanghai is taken as the engineering background about New Guidelines for Seismic Design of Highway Bridges(JTG/T B02—01—2008).With Midas/Civil V7.40 software,Dynamic character and seismic responses of earthquake action E1 for this bridge is discussed,which clarifies the problems to which attention should be paid in the bridge design,and some useful conclusions which are beneficial to the design of bridges are obtained,lastly.
Structural Engineers