Maritime Code of the People's Republic of China clearly provides that an insurer may choose not to accept the abandonment of the subject matter insured. Where the insurer refuses to accept the abandonment and indemnifies the assured on the basis of a partial loss, the ship remains in the possession of the assured and the insurer can only subrogate against the third party within the payment of its indemnity. However, where the insurer definitely rejects the abandonment but indemnifies the assured on the basis of a total loss, there exist three points of view on the ownership of the ship insured: first, the ship belongs to bona; second, the ownership automatically transfers to the insurer ; third, it is still owned by the assured. From the perspective of the legislative purpose, it is more reasonable that the rights and obligations relating to the ship insured remain owned by the assured. Chinese law should be clear on this.
Annual of China Maritime Law
notice of abandonment
the ship insured