
社会网络与机会识别:海归企业家与本土企业家的比较研究 被引量:5

A Comparative Study of Social Network and Opportunity Recognition between Returnee Entrepreneurs and Local Entrepreneurs
摘要 为检验网络关系强弱与机会识别关系具有跨文化差异的观点,通过对长三角和珠三角142位企业家的问卷调查和分析,结果发现:海归企业家社会网络中弱关系对机会识别有显著正向影响;而对本土企业家而言,无论是强关系还是弱关系,对其机会识别均没有显著影响,可能的原因是,在转型时期的本土企业家受多元文化影响,文化的差异可能导致本土企业家内部之间在网络关系利用上的差异。 To shed light on the relationship between social network and opportunity recognition within different cultural contexts, this study examines the effect of overseas experience on the relationship between network weak/strong ties and opportunity recognition. Based on a sample of 152 entrepreneurs of small and medium-sized firms from the Yangtze River Delta and Pearl River Delta, results show that the weak ties of returnee entrepreneurs' social networks have a significant positive impact on opportunity recognition, while neither strong ties nor weak ties of local entrepreneurs' social networks has a significant positive impact on opportunity recognition. One possible reason is that local entrepreneurs influenced by multieuhural during the transition period follow different euhural values that lead to the differences among local entrepreneurs in use of strong/weak ties.
出处 《华东经济管理》 CSSCI 2011年第5期27-30,共4页 East China Economic Management
基金 教育部人文社会科学基金项目(07JA630051) 湖南社会科学基金项目(07YBB082)
关键词 社会网络 机会识别 海归企业家 本土企业家 social network opportunity recognition returnee entrepreneur local entrepreneur
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