Objective:To study the X-ray features of hydronephrosis resulting from aberrant vessel compressinon and improve the preoperative diagnosis .Methods:12 cases of hy studied 654-2 was injected intramaseulary followed by iv injection of 40ml of contrast medium.Then the patient was observed undr TV Montor in vanabfe positions po films ale taken.Results:The compresslve hydrindels by aberrant blood vessel showed following characteristic X-ray signs:tortuosity of ureter, a narrow lineal trans parency stretchstretching across the junction of renal pelvis and ureter and hydronephrosis All 12 cases diagnosed by X-ray wer confimed by operation Conclusion; X-ray examination is the metod of choice for diagnosing the disease ,Hypotomic and double fdosage IVP under TV monitoring can iacreace the detection rate of the disease.
Radiologic Practice