
^(99)Tc^m-MDP骨关节显像诊断早期和活动期类风湿关节炎的临床应用 被引量:9

The clinical study of the diagnosis of early and active rheumatoid arthritis using bone imaging with 99 TcmMDP
摘要 目的探讨核素骨显像对早期和活动期类风湿关节炎(RA)的诊断价值。方法对168例确诊的RA患者进行99Tcm亚甲基二膦酸(MDP)全身及手、足局部骨显像检查,其中150例在2周内根据关节疼痛部位摄X线片、166例进行血清类风湿因子(RF)定性测定、75例测定血清C反应蛋白(CRP)及104例检查红细胞沉降率(ESR)。结果168例RA患者,骨显像阳性147例,诊断符合率875%,其中病程<1、1~、51~和>10a骨显像阳性率分别为844%、845%、914%和100%,而在活动期阳性率为985%(140/142例)。在其骨显像阳性病例中,共检出518处骨关节病灶,对称性骨关节病变为432处,占834%,而单个骨关节病变86处,占166%。骨关节病变部位以指间或掌指关节和腕关节居多,其次为跖趾关节、踝关节、肘关节、膝关节及腰椎和腰骶部。150例X线片中55例显示RA改变,诊断符合率367%,病程<1、1~、51~和>10aX线片阳性率分别为61%、200%、714%和882%。实验室检查RF、CRP及ESR阳性对RA诊断符合率分别为512%、613%和740%。RA活动期R? Objective To explore the usefulness of 99 TcmMDP bone imaging in diagnosis of rheumatoid arthritis (RA) Methods 99TcmMDP whole body bone imaging, feet and hands regional bone imaging were performed in 168 patients with RA Among them, Xray film were taken in 150 cases, rheumatoid factor (RF) in 166 cases, Creactive protein (CRP) in 75 cases, and erythocyte sedimentation rate (ESR) in 104 cases Results Abnormal bone images were observed in 147 cases of RA, the total rate of coincidence was 875% Among them, based on different courses of disease, the abnormal rates of bone imaging in <1, 1, 5110, and >10 years groups were 844%, 845%, 914% and 100%, respectively, whereas in active RA was 985% In 518 joint lesions detected by bone images, 432 lesions (834%) were symmetric, 86 lesions (166%) were single The most frequently detected lesions were at metacarpophalangeal or interphalangeal and wrist joints (145 and 141, respectively), then, in metatarsophalangeal joints (76), ankle joints (63), elbow joints (46), knee joints(41), and lumber and sacral spine (6) The rates of coincidence with Xray film, RF, CRP and ESR were 367%, 512%, 613% and 740% respectively, and for the courses of disease abnormal rates of Xray in <1, 1, 5110, and >10 years groups were 61%, 200%, 714% and 882% respectively The abnormal rates of RF, CRP and ESR in active RA were (535%, 700% and 771%) significantly higher than those of catabatic RA (375%, 267%, 375% respectively, P <001) Conclusions 99TcmMDP bone imaging is a noninvasive, functional and sensitive method, in combination with clinical symptoms, joint signs and serological changes, it can elevate the detectability of early and active stage of RA
出处 《中华核医学杂志》 CSCD 北大核心 1999年第3期164-166,共3页 Chinese Journal of Nuclear Medicine
关键词 类风湿性关节炎 放射性核素显像 MDP 锝99M Arthritis rheumatoidRadionuclide imagingMDP
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