
《里斯本条约》后欧盟对外关系权能的变化——以法律为视角 被引量:3

The Changes of the EU Competence in Its External Relations after the Lisbon Treaty:In the Legal Perspectives
摘要 《里斯本条约》的生效为欧盟一体化的深化和拓展奠定了新的基本法基础,并进一步扩大和增强了欧盟对外关系权能,为提升欧盟在国际上的独立身份、地位和形象树立了新的里程碑。这一新条约使欧盟的法律人格由模糊变得明确;欧盟的对外关系权能领域从分散的三大支柱变为统一的框架结构;欧盟对外关系机关体系进一步强化;欧盟缔结国际协定的权能和程序得以空前地完善;欧盟与国际组织的关系和驻外代表机构的名称变得更加明确。《里斯本条约》给欧盟对外关系权能带来的变化,势必给第三国和国际组织的对外关系和活动带来影响。 The entering into force of the Lisbon Treaty lays a new basic law foundation for the deepening and expanding of EU integration,and sets up a new milestone for upgrading the EU independent identity,image and status in international arena by further expanding and strengthening its competence in its external relations.The new Treaty enables the legal personality of the EU to change from the vagueness to the explicitness,the fields of its external competences from the three-pillar scattered structure to the single framework,the organic structure of the EU external actions being further enhanced,the EU competences and procedures of concluding international agreements being unprecedentedly improved,and the EU competence in establishing relations with international organizations and external representative agencies being even more definite.The changes of the EU competence in its external relations resulted from the Lisbon Treaty deem to bring about impacts on the external relations and activities of the third countries and international organizations.
作者 曾令良
机构地区 武汉大学法学院
出处 《湘潭大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2011年第2期31-37,共7页 Journal of Xiangtan University:Philosophy And Social Sciences
关键词 《里斯本条约》 欧盟对外关系 欧洲联盟法 Lisbon Treaty EU external relations European Union Law
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