基于防火墙的信息审计平台通过配置Linux syslog日志服务器处理防火墙获取的企事业单位内部互联网通信行为数据包,产生原始日志报告;再将查询时间及录入数据库表中的防火墙序列号、外网IP地址与其匹配得最终日志报告;后使用SARG日志报告分析工具对其分析,得到审计结果。此审计平台可方便企事业单位对办公电脑的管理。
Firewall based information Audit platform deal with the data packet which come from the firewall for enterprises and institutions Internet communication behavior within by configuring Linux syslog log server, resulting in the original log report; and then match the original log report with the query time as well as the serial number of the firewall, the external network IP address inputed in database to get the final log report which analyzed by SARG log report tools finally and come out the audit results. Enterprises and institutions can manage the office computer easily by using this audit platform.
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