Zaha Hadid很酷,不过相比起来,也许这次邀请她来北京进行讲座与宣传活动的"SOHO中国"的工作人员更酷——那位对记者们颐指气使的女工作人员的态度让人不敢恭维。不过Zaha Hadid本人倒是很愿意告诉我们她的想法,在北京她依旧穿着Issey Miyake的黑色褶皱大衣,手拿Prada的镂空皮革手包,更令人注意的是她手指上所佩戴的由Anish Kapoor制作的银色戒指。
Zaha Hadid passed through town a few weeks ago,for meetings with her clients at SOHO China and a highly publicized"first lecture in Beijing"just after the opening festivities for her latest creation,the Guangzhou Opera House. LEAP correspondent Jian Cui got a chance to sit down with her after outmaneuvering the SOHO public-relations machine,happy to find her in a black Issey Miyake jacket, holding a Prada bag,and wearing a silver ring designed by her friend Anish Kapoor.