1998 年11 月19 日在云南省宁蒗发生了一次 M62 级强烈地震。该次地震前, 震中及邻区地震活动明显增强, 累计频度和应变能释放随时间从线性缓慢增加变为非线性快速增加, 出现孕震空区、多项地震活动参数异常。此外, 地震活动性诸多参数在地震活动处于线性缓慢变化的时间段内, 在空间分布上表现为随机的现象; 在地震活动处于非线性快速变化的时间段内, 这些参数的空间分布表现出向未来震中收缩、集中的明显特征。
On 19 November 1998,an M =6 2 earthquake occurred at the Ninglang in Yunnan Province Before this earthquake,the regional seismic intensity around the earthquake epicenter increases and the both accumulative times of earthquake and the release of stress change from the slow linear procedure to the fast non linear procedure This situation of earthquake formed a seismogenic zone and many seismic abnormal phenomenae appeared During the slow linear procedure,the earthquake distribution shows a random pattern But during the fast non linear procedure,the position of earthquake focuses on a future earthquake epicenter step by step
Earthquake Research in Sichuan
中国地震局"九五" 课题