
自我同一性理论与测量研究述评 被引量:2

Review on Theory and Measurement of Self-identity
摘要 目前有关同一性测量的研究,根据其理论依据的不同可以分为两种取向:一是以玛西亚理论为基础,在探索与承诺两维度下的不断延伸与补充;一是以新的同一性理论如认同风格理论、认同资源理论、认同过程理论等为依据的测量。虽然,其理论点与测量重点不同,但他们的相互配合和补充更能解释青少年同一性形成过程中的不同方面的问题。 At present,according to the differences of theories of self-identity,its study can be divided into two different orientations.One is based on Marcia's theory,continuing to extend and supplement in the two dimensions of exploration and commitment.And the other is measured by a new self-identity,such as the identity style theory,the identity resource theory or the identity process theory.Although their theoretical points and measuring focus are different,their cooperation and supplement can explain the formation of young people's identity in different aspects.
机构地区 西南大学 经纬中学
出处 《成都航空职业技术学院学报》 2011年第1期11-14,共4页 Journal of Chengdu Aeronautic Polytechnic
关键词 自我同一性 理论 测量 评述 self-identity theory measurement review
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