
民族主义视野下的阿富汗重建 被引量:6

The Reconstruction of Afghanistan in Nationalist Perspective
摘要 2001年以来的阿富汗重建可以分为国际社会主导和阿富汗政府主导两个阶段。在国际社会的协助下,阿富汗政府在政治、安全、经济等领域取得了一定的成绩,但问题依然严峻。民族主义对阿富汗重建具有重要的影响,它不仅是阿富汗政治合法性的重要来源,也是阿富汗社会动员的主要方式,还直接影响着阿富汗国际形象的重塑。阿富汗重建的进程也是阿富汗民族主义重构的过程。 The reconstruction of Afghanistan since 2001 has undergone international community-led and Afghanistan government-led stages. With the assistance of international community, Afghanistan witnesses great progresses on politics, security and economy while experiencing various difficulties. Nationalism plays an important role in the reconstruction in terms of the legitimacy of Afghanistan government, mobilization of Afghanistan society and re-shape of international image. The process of reconstruction is also the reconstruction of Afghanistan nationalism.
作者 姚大学 闫伟
出处 《世界民族》 CSSCI 北大核心 2011年第2期15-22,共8页 Journal of World Peoples Studies
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