
纸本庋藏——民智启蒙——道义担当:知识分子失语时代公共图书馆有所作为的可能向度 被引量:6

Paper Literatures Collection——Enlightening the Public——Moral Act:Possible Dimensions from Making the Great Difference by Public Libraries of P.R.China during Immediate Post-intellectual Era
摘要 悬置政治-社会层面"不可抗因素"不论,20世纪80年代末以降并迄今方兴未艾,出版、印刷等传统纸质传媒式微,电视、数字、网络等新兴电子传媒汹涌勃兴的同时,介入公共话语、充当社会正义良知代言人的知识分子日渐退隐最终逍遁于无形,之后来者自觉演变分化为学院知识分子和媒介知识分子(或称电视知识分子),即本质上规避道义担当、抛却社会责任的所谓"知道分子"。进一步研究发现,出版、印刷传统纸质传媒与电视、数字、网络等现代电子传媒分别构成了知识分子文化与知道分子文化的重要形式表征,由此揭橥凸显了公共图书馆文献馆藏意义层面长期以来被繁茂芜杂的技术细节所遮蔽着的一个重要事实:纸质印刷文本不仅为知识分子提供了言说空间,而且也在一定意义上建构起了知识分子的反思精神与批判立场;以纸质印刷文本庋藏、传播为己任的公共图书馆,实乃当下"后知识分子时代"知识分子文化传承最具操作可能的重要途径。今日知识分子公共话语集体失语,民众趋之公共图书馆寻觅精神家园,寄望其能肩起道义担当,引领崇高价值。因含此内在独特天然优势,公共图书馆确具民智启蒙、人文引领等道义担当之可能向度。藉此,热闹经年的"全民阅读"活动不再只是驻足于浅表意义层面上的应景运作,而终于找到了自身赖之安身立命的真正魂魄;同理,沸沸扬扬的"公共图书馆精神"、"公共图书馆核心价值"等大而无当之类空泛的理念讨论,也终于找回了自己真正的精髓或归宿。 Suspension society-the political level "non-anti-factor" regardless of the reasons,the existing facts show that began in the lately 20th century 1980′s so far in the ascendant,and Publishing-Printing the decline of the traditional paper-based media,television,digital,Internet and other new electronic media Prosperity Meanwhile,the involvement in public discourse,to act as spokesmen for social justice and conscience of intellectuals eventually becoming lodged in the invisible blanking……This assemblage of the subsequent evolution of those who consciously differentiate into college intellectuals and media intellectuals(or TV intellectuals)——the nature of on the moral Pact to avoid that is to say,completely swore off the so-called social responsibility,"know elements." From the issue of their own voice discourse perspective,the publishing-printing traditional paper-based media and television,digital,Internet and other modern electronic media,respectively,constitute the intellectual culture and know the culture,an important form of molecular characterization——Enshrined in this underscores the significance of public libraries,paper documents dimensions of dendrites confused long been obscured by the technical details of an important fact: paper print media not only provide a statement that the intellectuals of space,but also a certain sense construct Intellectuals have played a critical reflection on the spirit and position;to paper document resources collection,dissemination of responsibility of the public library,an exercise in contemporary "post-intellectual era" intellectual and cultural heritage may be the most important way to operate——when the knowledge elements of public discourse as a whole aphasia,people increasingly looking for spiritual home of Public Libraries,the moral courage to play their best hope to achieve the lofty mission——the unique natural advantage in terms of this house,public libraries make a difference may indeed have dimension.Thus "Reading for All" campaign is no longer just on the surface of the operation,which finally found its true soul;Similarly,the "spirit of public libraries","public library core values" and other concepts discussed,and finally found or destination of their true essence.
作者 谭楚子
机构地区 徐州图书馆
出处 《图书馆》 CSSCI 北大核心 2011年第2期12-19,共8页 Library
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