
美国信用评价机制发展及对中国基金评价机制的借鉴 被引量:2

The Reference of American Credit Rating System to the Fund Rating mechanism of China
摘要 信用评级业作为特殊的中介行业在中国有着广阔的发展空间,近年来中国也颁布了证券投资基金信用评价的相关规范,但仍然属于起步阶段,中国基金评价机制的构建还有很多不完善的地方。通过对美国信用评价机制发展的研究,结合中国基金评价市场的现实情况,可为中国基金评价机制的完善提供多角度的借鉴,促进中国信用评级业规范健康发展。 As an special agency,credit rating has a huge developing square.It is in the primary stage in China though related regulations are recently made.This paper attempts to research on American credit rating system,combine the status of our fund rating market,and promote some improving suggestions from many angles to accelerate the development of our credit rating system.
作者 温晓慧
出处 《亚太经济》 CSSCI 北大核心 2011年第2期50-53,共4页 Asia-Pacific Economic Review
关键词 信用评价机制 金融危机 基金评价机制 借鉴 Credit Rating System Finance Crisis Fund Rating Mechanism Reference
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