
三清安眠汤剂的镇静催眠作用及作用机制探讨 被引量:3

To Explore the Sedation and Hypnosis Effect and the Mechanism of Sanping Sleeping Decoction
摘要 目的:考察三清安眠汤剂是否具有镇静催眠作用,及其可能的五羟色胺能机制。方法:连续灌胃给药14天后测定对正常小鼠和给与咖啡因导致中枢兴奋小鼠自主活动的影响,测定对正常小鼠与阈上戊巴比妥钠催眠作用的协同作用;连续灌胃给药21天后测定对正常小鼠与阈下戊巴比妥钠催眠作用的协同作用;连续灌胃给药14天后,用HPLC-电化学检测器测定对正常大鼠海马5-HT含量的影响。结果:三清安眠汤剂显著减少正常小鼠和咖啡因导致中枢兴奋小鼠的自主活动;与阈上和阈下剂量的戊巴比妥钠有显著性的协同作用;显著升高正常大鼠海马5-HT的含量。结论:在本实验条件下,三清安眠汤剂对实验动物具有显著的镇静催眠作用其作用机制可能与升高海马5-HT的含量有关。 Objective:To examine whether the sanqing sleeping decoction have the function of sedation and hypnosis and the possible mechanism of 5-Hydroxytryptamine.methods:To determine the effects of spontaneous motion in normal mice and in the mice excited by caffeine and to determine the synergistic effect of the syngignoscism of the normal mice and the mice of suprathresholds pentobarbital sodium after continous feeding decoction for 14 days.To determine the synergy of the syngignoscism of the normal mice and the mice of the liminal pentobarbital sodiuml.after continuously feeding decoction for 21days.To determine the 5-HT content of the normal mice by HPLC electrochemical detector after continuously feeding decoction for14days.Results: the sanqing sleeping decoction significantly reduce spontaneous motion of the normal mice and the mice excited by caffeine,And having the significant synergistic effect to suprathresholds pentobarbital sodium and the liminal pentobarbital sodiuml.significantly increased 5-HT content of the normal mice.Conclusion: Sanqing sleeping decoction had the significant effects of sedation and hypnosis to the experimental mice under this experimental conditions.And the mechanism may related to increase the content of 5-HT.
出处 《中华中医药学刊》 CAS 2011年第4期848-851,共4页 Chinese Archives of Traditional Chinese Medicine
基金 沈阳市科学技术计划项目(061034)
关键词 中医 中药 催眠 Chinese medicine Chinese herb hypnosis
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