
京郊不同城市功能区农村居民点用地集约度的比较研究 被引量:25

Comparison of the Use Intensity of Rural Residential Land in Different Urban Functional Areas in the Suburbs of Beijing
摘要 选择北京市海淀区、顺义区和平谷区三个处于不同城市功能区和经济发展水平的典型区县,采用单因素目标比较法和多因素综合评价法,从用地强度、用地结构和用地布局三个方面进行农村居民点用地集约度的测算,然后比较分析了研究区之间农村居民点用地集约度的区域性差异及其影响因素,并为加快首都郊区新农村建设和城乡统筹发展提出合理化建议。结果表明,北京市农村居民点用地集约度存在着区域差异,在综合集约度上,海淀区>顺义区>平谷区,这与区域宏观的区位条件和经济发展水平相一致,但差异性表现不显著;在分项集约度上,农村居民点用地集约度的区域差异显著,但具体表现有所不同,由宏观区位条件和小尺度微观因素综合作用所致。加强农村居民点用地规划与布局调整、加快企业用地向工业园区转移和提高农村居民点用地容积率应是今后北京市不同城市功能区新农村建设的主要内容。 With the development of economy and rising living standards of farmers, villagers invest an increasing proportion of their incomes in housing to improve the overall living conditions and quality of life. However, most villages do not seem to be planned in this process. Being situated on or alongside arable land and the per capita floor space nearly doubled, a growing percentage of households own multiple dwellings. This has caused increasing areas of farmland to be used for dwellings and a waste of rural land resources. Studying intensive rural residential land use would therefore be helpful for addressing a series of issues arising. In order to reveal the diversity of the intensive use degree in different areas with different location features and economic development levels, in this study, three typical regions with characteristics of urban functional areas and different economic levels were chosen to compare and analyze. Methods of the single factor against the goal and the multiple-factor index were used from aspects of rural residential land intensity, structure, and pattern for measuring the degree of intensive use of rural residential land. Furthermore, the regional difference and its influencing factors of rural residential use intensity between the chosen study areas were analyzed. Suggestions were given to enhance the construction of new countryside and promote an all-around development in urban and rural areas. The rural residential land use intensive shows certain regional differences, but they are not remarkable. Analysis of the synthetic intensive degree shows HaidianShunyiPinggu, and the order of the intensive degree seems to be in accord with the order of macro-location features and economic levels. In terms of respective intensive degree, there exist significant differences, i.e., HaidianPingguShunyi with respect to rural residential land intensity, Shunyi HaidianPinggu with respect to rural residential land structure, and ShunyiPinggu Haidian with respect to rural residential land pattern. These differences are primarily caused by differences in population, government guidance, geographic and geomorphic conditions, land use planning, and so on. Strengthening urban planning and land pattern adjustment, accelerating the relocation of industrial land from rural residential internal areas to industrial parks, improving the capacity of rural residential land, and increasing inputs of industrial land can be considered the main trends towards the construction of new rural communities in the future. In short, rural economic and social development needs an intensive use system of rural residential land.
出处 《资源科学》 CSSCI CSCD 北大核心 2011年第4期720-728,共9页 Resources Science
基金 国家自然科学青年基金(编号:40801221)
关键词 集约度 农村居民点用地 城市功能区 区位 比较研究 北京市 Use intensive degree Rural residential land Urban functional areas Location Comparative study
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