IEEE1588标准的基本功能是使分布式网络内的各个时钟与最精确的时钟保持同步,目前主要用于以太网中,无线分组网中尚未移植该协议。本文旨在研究无线分组通信网精确定时技术,分析IEEE1588定义的PTP(Precision Time Protocol)体系结构和时钟同步原理,提出能在无线分组网络中通过IEEE1588实现的时间同步传递方案,由此可大大提高无线分组网中时钟同步精度。最后在实验室环境中,利用PTP协议实现无线网络节点的时钟同步,并测试不同网络环境下的同步精度。
The basic function of IEEE 1588 is synchronizing the timers in hierarchically synchronized network with the most precision timer,which is primaryly used in Ethernet,and has not planted in wireless packet communication network. This paper researchs the precision timing technology in wireless packet communication network , analyes the architecture and clock synchronization principle in PTP which is defined in IEEE 1588, and come up the clock synchronisation scheme which can be accomplished in wireless packet communication network by IEEE 1588,so it can promote synchronizing prescison of clock in wireless packet communication network .At last, use the PTP to achieve the clock synchronisation in network nodes,and also test the synchronization accuracy in different network environments.
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