
事件营销作用机制与企业形象中介调解效应研究 被引量:7

Research on Large-scale Retail Enterprises Event Marketing Influence
摘要 本文通过对事件营销活动的作用机制进行实证研究,梳理了消费者对事件营销活动的态度与知觉的企业形象、企业属性评价、购买意愿之间的关系。研究发现事件营销活动的作用机制是一个渐次的过程,消费者知觉的企业形象在事件态度和购买意愿之间不但具有显著的中介作用,还具备一定的调节效应。 Basing on large retail enterprises as a research objective,the purpose of this study is to empirically examine the sequential impact of consumers' event attitude on perceived corporation image,valuation of corporate attributes and purchase intention.This study indicates that a positive event attitude is able to effectively improve perceived corporate image,valuation of corporate attributes and purchase intention.Meanwhile,the perceived corporation image is moderated mediator between consumers' event attitude and purchase intention.
作者 于苗
出处 《中国流通经济》 CSSCI 北大核心 2011年第4期84-88,共5页 China Business and Market
基金 北京市教委项目"北京会展经济研究基地建设"(批准号:PXM2010_014209_096818)的研究成果之一
关键词 事件态度 企业形象知觉 企业属性评价 购买意愿 event attitude perceived corporation image valuation of corporate purchase intention
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