
全球化与区域化视角下构建东亚共同体的思考 被引量:8

Building East Asian Community from the Perspectives of Globalization and Regionalization
摘要 近年来,全球化加速发展与东亚区域化深入发展交相呼应,不断推动东盟+中日韩("10+3")机制以及相应区域机制出现新势头。如何从理论上理解东亚区域化、如何在实践中推动东亚一体化发展,成为人们不断深入探讨"东亚共同体"构想的契机和动力。作者立足于全球化、区域化、全球治理以及区域治理的理论思考,改变以往过分强调"大国中心"、"权力利益至上"、"冲突纷争主导"的思维方式,以中日关系为重点,以东亚区域的结构分析为基础,对"东亚共同体"构想进行一次理论与实证的考察。由此得出以东盟为中心的"反向辐射双重结构"的分析结论,阐明了东亚区域化目前的特殊结构特征;通过对中日两国在东亚区域化进程中的地位、作用的实证分析以及如何摆脱当前的困境,推动两国关系在政治、经济、社会等各个层面真正得到全面改善所提出的建议,使中日两国确立和平对话、友好合作的关系与机制,共同致力于建设性地推进"东亚共同体"的实现。 As a result of globalization and regionalization, ASEAN +3(APT) and other regional institutional tendencies came into being. How to understand and push forward the regionalization process in East Asia has motivated the continuous discussion of ‘East Asian Community’. Based on theoretical considerations of globalization, regionalization, global and regional governance, instead of following the one-sided views of ‘big power centralism,’ ‘power and interest supremacy’ and ‘conflict domination’, the authors try to make a theoretical and practical observation on ‘East Asian Community’. They argue that on the way to regional integration the East Asia Community has a unique structure, a type of anti-spoke system. Meanwhile, through a practical research of the China-Japan relationship, they put forward some suggestions to improve the bilateral relationship in terms of political, economic and social aspects and make the two countries take the peaceful dialogue and friendly partnership as their normal institutional relations. To achieve this goal, both countries should positively push forward the construction of East Asian Community.
出处 《世界经济与政治》 CSSCI 北大核心 2011年第4期90-102,共13页 World Economics and Politics
基金 教育部人文社会科学项目(项目编号:08JA810002)的阶段性成果
关键词 全球化 区域化 东亚共同体 东盟 中日关系 globalization, regionalization, East Asia Community, ASEAN, China and Japanese relations
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