

On the Prudential Principle in the Legal Regulation of Overseas Company Seeking Financing by Listing on the Stock Exchange
摘要 在中国融资市场开放的谈判中,中方承诺将按照审慎监管原则允许境外公司在境内上市融资。这一审慎监管原则与金融领域中传统的审慎监管存在本质区别,并受制于建构论和生产主义基调的影响。在建构论生产主义基调下,中国的融资市场开放将采取"进口替代"策略,这与建立国际金融中心的目标背道而驰。从提升本国融资市场竞争力的角度出发,中国应适时调整审慎监管原则的基调,或采取建构论消费主义,或采取进化论生产主义,以期建立一个能够与纽约、伦敦鼎足而立的国际金融中心。 During the negotiation of opening China's financing market,the government of China promised that overseas companies would be permitted to list on the stock exchange according to prudential supervision principle.However,the so-called prudential principle is different from the traditional finance prudential supervision principle in nature and influenced by the domestic fundamental key of constructivism and producerism.Under the fundamental key of constructivism-producerism,the China's opening of financing market will take the strategy of "import substitution",which runs in the opposite direction of establishing a international financial center.In terms of promoting the country's competitiveness of financing market,the government of China should timely adjust the fundamental key of prudential supervision principle by selecting constructivism-consumerism or evolutionism-producerism,which would contribute to establishing a international financial center comparable to New York and London.
作者 彭岳
机构地区 南京大学法学院
出处 《社会科学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2011年第4期93-100,共8页 Journal of Social Sciences
基金 教育部人文社会科学研究青年基金项目"外国公司境内上市融资监管法律制度研究--以建立国际金融中心为视角"(项目批准号:09YJC820052) 南京大学2008年文科校级规划项目"主权财富基金:问题 争议及对策"的阶段性成果
关键词 审慎监管原则 进化论 建构论 生产主义 消费主义 Prudential Supervision Principle Evolutionism Constructivism Producerism Consumerism
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