
国-Ⅳ中重型电控共轨柴油机EGR技术路线探讨 被引量:7

Investigation of EGR System in MD&HD CR Diesel Engine
摘要 结合开发一台7 L电控共轨国-ⅣEGR柴油机,从阐述EGR降低NOx排放原理出发,列举了LPL低压EGR、HPL高压EGR等几种基本类型和特点,并进一步详细讨论了EGR阀、EGR冷却器、EGR控制、后处理等系统及其零部件具体技术方案的优缺点,从而探讨中重型电控共轨柴油机达到国-Ⅳ排放、且具有达到国-Ⅴ排放潜力的优化方案。最终按选定的EGR方案试制了样机,并进行了台架试验。研究结果表明:研制的中重型国-ⅣEGR样机,完全达到了预期目标,采用先进的EGR+DOC技术完全能够达到国-Ⅳ排放要求,且经济性能够与SCR柴油机相当。 The LPL EGR and HPL EGR systems were explained,the merits and demerits of various layouts for the EGR valve,EGR cooler,and EGR control strategies were analyzed,the optimized EGR system scheme which should be able to fulfill China-IV emission legislation and possess the potential to reach future China-V in further when developing a 7 L CR diesel engine with EGR for China-Ⅳ standards was discussed.The bench test results show that the MD HD CR diesel engine equipped with the optimized EGR system can meet China-Ⅳ emissions regulation and reach all expected targets.And this study also proves that by using EGR + DOC technology,the MD HD engine is enough to meet China-Ⅳ emission legislation,and has the same BSFC as the SCR engine,if taking into account the urea consumption.
出处 《内燃机工程》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2011年第2期6-11,共6页 Chinese Internal Combustion Engine Engineering
关键词 内燃机 中重型柴油机 废气再循环 共轨 国-Ⅳ排放 IC engine MD&HD diesel engine exhaust gas recirculation(EGR) common rail(CR) China-Ⅳ emission
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