
用服务科学解析价值链 被引量:14

The Analyse of Value Chain under Services Science
摘要 本文剖析了"服务"与价值链之间的关系,即服务的本质是为了创造和提升价值。沿着服务如何增加原有价值和产生新价值这一思路,找出了服务科学理论下"服务"与价值链耦合的八大模块:人力资源服务模块、服务关系模块、服务质量模块、服务创新模块、服务外包模块、服务信息共享模块、知识服务模块和服务绩效模块。根据八大模块的相互关联性,构建出服务与价值链耦合的八维体系模型,并对各模块的内涵、功能及升级等问题作了界定。依据服务科学,归纳出价值链升级的两大路径:内涵式升级和外延式升级。最后,对全文进行了总结,得出服务科学导向下价值链系统优化的总体思路。 The relationship between the "service" and the value chain is analyzed in the article. Namely, the essence of the service is to create and upgrade the value. Along the train of thought of increasing the original value and producing new value, the authors find out eight coupling modules including human resource service module, service relationship module, quality of service module, service innovation module, service outsourcing module, service information sharing module, knowledge service and service performance module between service under the service scientific theory and value chain. According to the mutual connection of the eight modules, eight dimension system model is constructed about coupling relationship between service and value chain. Under this basis of eight dimension system model and according to services science, two paths of the value chain upgrade is summed up, which are connotative upgrade and denotative upgrade. Finally, the whole article is summed up and the idea about the conclusion of value chain system optimization is formed.
出处 《中国工业经济》 CSSCI 北大核心 2011年第4期84-94,共11页 China Industrial Economics
基金 国家自然科学基金项目"资源型产业集群生态工业系统构建与调控研究"(批准号70940011) 江西省社会科学规划重点项目"航空生态产业链构建模式及其在鄱阳湖生态经济区中的作用研究"(批准号08YJ06) 江西省软科学项目"航空产业支撑鄱阳湖生态经济区建设研究" 南昌航空大学社会科学项目"基于价值链的江西民营企业自主创新能力提升策略研究"
关键词 服务科学 价值链 耦合模型 价值链升级 services science: value chain: the couplin~ model value chain to upgrade
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