
风险企业绩效影响研究——基于创业者与创业投资家的信任演变视角 被引量:6

An research on entrepreneurial performance of venture firm:from the respective of trust between entrepreneur and venture capitalist
摘要 在创业领域,创业者与创业投资家的关系研究一直是学术界和企业界关注的热点问题。结合创业周期理论构建了创业者与创业投资家的信任发展阶段模型:初始信任、计算型信任、基于个体的了解型信任和基于组织的了解型信任、基于情感的认同型信任,并实证检验了创业者与创业投资家的信任发展及其对创业绩效的影响,结论表明:(1)一定程度上验证了创业者与创业投资家的信任演变过程;(2)创业者与创业投资家之间的信任发展各维度与创业绩效正相关。 In the field of entrepreneurship,studies on entrepreneur-venture capitalist relationships have been an import topic attracting attention from both academic and practical fields.The paper firstly explores the dynamic development model of the trust between the entrepreneur and the venture capitalist drawing on the theory of the entrepreneurial life cycle: initial trust,calculus-based trust,individual knowledge-based trust,organizational knowledge-based trust,emotional identification-based trust,and then empirically examine the impact of the evolution process of the entrepreneur and the venture capitalist's trust on the entrepreneurial performance depending on the RBV of the venture.Finally,the paper finds:(1) to some extent,the evolution of the trust between the entrepreneur and the venture capitalist is test;(2) each dimension of the entrepreneur and the venture capitalist's trust development has the positive relationship with the entrepreneurial performance.
出处 《科学学研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2011年第4期591-600,609,共11页 Studies in Science of Science
基金 湖北省哲学社会科学成果评审委员会立项项目(1011164B)
关键词 创业者 创业投资家 信任演变 创业绩效 entrepreneur venture capitalist trust evolution entrepreneurial performance
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