

Tagore's Engagement with the Soviet Union
摘要 泰戈尔曾对十月革命表示赞赏。1930年,他不顾年迈体衰,前往苏联访问。他对苏联在文化、农业和教育等领域的成就的充分肯定,源于他对一个理想社会的追求和对英国殖民统治的痛愤。他访苏的主要目的,在于以苏联的教育为借镜来从根本上改变印度社会。他在看到苏联的光明面的同时,也对它的致命弊病提出诚挚而坦率的批评。他的意见是明智的、深刻的和富于哲理的。从一定意义上说,诗人虽然对苏联始终怀有真情和善意,却理性地预见到苏联可能由于这些弊病而灭亡。苏联政府不曾听取他的意见,却始终将他当做朋友,从未对他提出任何反批评或予以负面评价。苏联之行对泰戈尔人生最后阶段的思想和创作产生了重大影响。他的《俄罗斯书简》以及他与苏联官方及友人的众多通信,是研究他与苏联(俄罗斯)关系的重要文献。本文为纪念泰戈尔诞辰150周年而作,系国内第一篇涉及泰戈尔与苏联关系的论文。 Rabindranath Tagore(1861-1941)cherished some hope to the Russian October Revolution.In 1930,he managed to reach the Soviet Union to pay a long planned visit with three main aims:to see in person the new civilization,rural development and the education system in Russia.He was mainly interested in the mass education and had a strong desire to transform Indian society through spreading education.While confirming the achievements in those areas there,the Poet also made remarks with regard to the dark side of the moon.His opinion was profound and prophetic,and according to his reasoning,the SovietUnion might collapse one day if its problems were not mended.Tagore's visit to Moscow exerted considerable influence upon his mind and work in the last period of his life.His Letters from Russia has become a very important historic document for making studies of his engagement with the Soviet Union.This paper is specially written for the 150th birth anniversary of the Poet.
作者 刘建
出处 《南亚研究》 CSSCI 2011年第1期137-151,共15页 South Asian Studies
关键词 泰戈尔 访问苏联 《俄罗斯书简》 文化桥梁 Tagore Soviet Union Letters from Russia cultural bridge
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  • 1泰戈尔:《孟加拉掠影》(刘建译),上海译文出版社,1985年版,第88页.
  • 2泰戈尔.《孟加拉掠影》,刘建译,上海译文出版社,1985年,第74页.
  • 3Rabindranath Tagore, Gitanjali (Kolkata: Visva- Bharati & UBSPD, 2008), p. 75.
  • 4Rabindranath Tagore, "At the Cross Roads," in Sisir Kumar Das ed. , The English Writings of Rabindranath Tagore ( New Delhi : Sahitya Academi, 1996) , Vol. 3, pp. 383 - 384.
  • 5Rabindranath Tagore, "At the Cross Roads," in Sisir Kumar Das ed. , The English Writings of Rabindranath Tagore, p. 381.
  • 6Ludvig yon Rochau,1810 - 1873.
  • 7Krishna Dutta and Andrew Robinson, Rabindranath Tagore: The Myriad - minded Man ( New York: St. Martin's Press, 1995 ), p.297.
  • 8A. Ya. Arosev, "Moi vstrechi s Tagorom" ( My Meeting with Tagore), 30 Dnei ( 30 ways), No. 119, 1926, p, 89.
  • 9in A. P. Gnatyuk- Danil' chuk, Tagore, India & Soviet Union (Calcutta: Firma Klm, 1956) , translated from Russian by Harish C. Gupta, p. 208.
  • 10Rabindranath Tagore, " Friend of the Soviet Union ( in Russian)," pp. 42 - 43.









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