
基于AEGM的网络攻击渗透测试预案生成系统 被引量:3

Network attack penetration test plan generation system based on AEGM
摘要 为满足网络安全管理需要,从入侵者角度出发,提出一种面向渗透测试的攻击事件图模型AEGM,并设计实现了一个网络攻击渗透测试预案生成系统。该系统以原子攻击知识库的构建及应用为前提,综合分析了从被测试目标网络脆弱点间的关联衍生出的攻击事件间的逻辑关系。利用前向广度优先搜索策略构建AEGM模型,产生渗透测试方案集,并以成功概率进行最优方案度量。实验结果表明,该方法能够有效生成渗透测试方案集,为网络安全的测试和分析提供有益参考。 An attack graph model AEGM based on penetration test is proposed from the perspective of the intruder,and a network pene-tration test plan generation system is designed and implemented.First of all,the system builds the knowledge basis of the atomic attacks,and then makes a comprehensive analysis of the logical relationship between the attacks which derived from the association of the vulnera-bilities in the target network.The system uses the forward breadth-first search strategy to construct the AEGM and results in penetration testing program sets which are measured by their success probability.Experiments show that this method can produce penetration test pro-gram sets successfully and provide a useful reference for network security testing and analysis.
出处 《计算机工程与设计》 CSCD 北大核心 2011年第4期1254-1259,共6页 Computer Engineering and Design
关键词 渗透测试 攻击图模型 原子攻击 网络安全 penetration test attack graph model atomic attack network security
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