
机场道面再生混凝土研究应用现状与发展 被引量:6

Research and Application Status and Development of Recycled Concrete on Airport Pavement
摘要 在对国内外再生混凝土研究应用现状进行分析的基础上,提出了在机场道面工程中应用再生混凝土的可行性。针对再生骨料的特点,提出了配制机场道面再生混凝土的技术路线、机理与研究方向,为在机场道面工程中研究、配制并铺筑高性能再生混凝土道面提供参考。 Based on the research and application of recycled concrete at home and abroad,the feasibility of recycled concrete in airport pavement engineering is put forward in this paper.According to the characteristics of recycled aggregates,the technical route,mechanism and research direction of recycled concrete on airport pavement are advanced to provide reference for research,preparation and construction of high-performance recycled concrete pavement in airport pavement engineering.
出处 《路基工程》 2011年第2期38-40,共3页 Subgrade Engineering
基金 军队科研基金项目(KH0706014)
关键词 机场道面 再生混凝土 研究现状 技术路线 发展方向 airport pavement recycled concrete research status technical route development direction
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