回顾近年来所发现的与我国三叶虫有关的11个晚出同名属及其替代名的研究现状,详细报导最近新发现的37个晚出同名三叶虫属中的13个属及其替代名。这些属涉及到寒武纪,奧陶纪,志留纪和泥盆纪的三叶虫。此外,河南龙Honania Young,1979(模式种H.complicidentata Young,1979)是产于河南济源晚二叠世爬行类锯齿龙科的一个属,由于晚于三叶虫河南虫HonaniaLee in Luet al.,1963(模式种H.lata Lee in Luet al.,1963)所建,成为无效属名,建议将河南龙的属名更名为钟键龙(新属)Zhongjiania gen.nov.。
Recently 37 junior homonyms of trilobite ge-nera have been found (zdikmen,2006,2009),of which 13 trilobite genera have been recorded in China,e. g.,Acanthocephalus Qiu in Qiu et al.,1983,Aethia Qian and Zhou,1984,Ariaspis Wolfart,1974,Cavia Sun,1994,Coronaspis Wu,1990,Drepanura Bergeron,1899,Haasia Yuan,1988,Hospes Stubblefield in Stubblefield and Bulman,1927,Lobopyge Pribyl and Erben,1952,Madygenia Petrunina in Repina et al.,1975,Mareda Kobayashi,1942,Pionaspis Zhang in Qiu et al.,1983,Pseudophalacroma Pokrovskaya,1958. The senior homonym of Acanthocephalus Qiu in Qiu et al.,1983 is Acanthocephalus Koelreuter,1771,with A. anguillae (Mller) as the type species,therefore,the replacement name for the Acanthocephalus Qiu in Qiu et al.,1983 is Proacanthocephalus zdikmen,2008. The genus Aethia Qian and Zhou,1984 is preoccupied by Aethia Merrem,1788,with A. cristatella (Pallas,1769) as the type species. The replacement name for Aethia Qian and Zhou,1984 is Paleoaethia zdikmen,2008. The senior homonym of Ariaspis Wolfart,1974 is Ariaspis Denison,1963,with Ariaspis ornata Denison,1963 as the type species. The replacement name for the Aria-spis Wolfart,1974 is Karslanus zdikmen,2009. It occurs in central Afganistan and in Hubei and southeastern Sichuan,South China. The senior homonym of Cavia Sun,1994 is Cavia Pallas,1766,with C. porcellus (Linnaeus,1758) as the type species,however invalid name Cavia Sun,1994 and their replacement name Sunocavia zdikmen,2009 are considered as synonymous with Haniwa Kobayashi,1933. Coronaspis Wu,1990 is preoccupied by Coronaspis MacGillivray,1921,with Chionaspis coronifera Green,1905 as the type species. Coronaspis Wu,1990 was suppressed as a junior synonym of Coronocephalus Grabau,1924 (Lin,2008),however it differs from the Coronocephalus Grabau,1924 mainly in having a much higher elevated posteriorly located palpebral lobe,the presence of narrower pygidiual border and wider pleural field of pygidium,therefore the repalcement name Wuoaspis zdikmen,2009 for Coronaspis Wu,1990 is valid. Haasia Yuan,1988 is preoccupied by Haasia Bollman,1893 with Craspedosoma troglodytes Latzel,1884 as the type species. Therefore replacement name Yuanjia zdikmen,2009 for Haasia Yuan,1988 is valid. The senior homonym of Hospes Stubblefield in Stubblefield and Bulman,1927 is Hospes Jordan,1894,with Hospes nitidicollis Jordan,1894 as the type species. The replacement name for the Hospes Stubblefield in Stubblefield and Bulman,1927 is Indiligens zdikmen,2009. It occurs widely in England,southern Anhui,northwestern Hubei,and southeastern Guizhou of Late Cambrian and Early Ordovician (Peng,2008b; Zhou and Zhou,2008). Lobopyge Pribyl and Erben,1952 is pre-occupied by Lobopyge Attems,1951 with L. palilata Attems,1951 as the type species. Therefore Lobopyge Pribyl and Erben,1952 is a invalid genus. However,Belenopyge Pek and Vanek,1991 was regarded as synonymous with Lobopyge Pribyl and Erben,1952(Ebach and Ahyyong,2001),thus the replacement name for Lobopyge Pribyl and Erben,1952 is Belenopyge Pek and Vanek,1991. Madygenia Petrunina in Repina et al.,1975 is preoccupied by Madygenia Sharov,1968 with M. orientalis Sharov,1968 as the type species. Therefore Madygenia Petrunina in Repina et al.,1975 is a invalid genus. However,Pseudobirma-nites Lee,1978 was considered synonymous with Madygenia Petrunina in Repina et al.,1975 (Adrain in Jell and Adrain,2003),thus the replacement name for Madygenia Petrunina in Repina et al.,1975 is Pseudobirmanites Lee,1978. The senior homonym of Mareda Kobayashi,1942 is Mareda Walker,1855 with M. ferruginea Wal-ker,1855 as the type species. Therefore Mareda Kobayashi,1942 is an invalid genus. The replacement name for Mareda Kobayashi,1942 is Suluderella zdikmen,2006. Pseudophalacroma Pokrovskaya,1958 is preoccupied by Pseudophalacroma Jrgensen,1923 with Phalacroma nasutum Stein,1883 as the type species. Although Pseu-dophalacroma Pokrovskaya,1958 was grouped within the genus Lejopyge Hawle and Corda,1847 (Shergold et al.,1990; Shergold and Laurie,1997),it was considered as a valid genus (Peng and Robison,2000; Peng,2008a). The replacement name for Pseudophalacroma Pokrovskaya,1958 is Yakutiana zdikmen,2009. Young (Yang) proposed the generic name Honania as a genus of Reptilia,with the type species H. complicidentata Young,1979 from Late Permian,Jiyuan,Henan Province. Unfortunately the generic name was already preoccupied by Lee in Lu et al.,1963,who had proposed the name Honania as a trilobite genus with Honania lata Lee as the type species. Thus the genus Honania Young,1979 is a junior homonym of generic name Honania Lee in Lu et al.,1963. Therefore we propose herein a new replacement name Zhongjiania nom. nov. for Honania Young,1979. The name is dedicated to Young Zhongjian,who was a famous palaeontologist of the preexisting generic name Honania.
Acta Palaeontologica Sinica