目的 尝试建立北京老年男性的糖尿病风险积分(DRS)以预测个体未来糖尿病发生的风险.方法 依据试验组1 370例(年龄为48~87岁)非糖尿病男性患者随访10年的队列资料,运用多元logistic逐步回归建立DRS,同时在检验组340例(年龄为43~88岁)非糖尿病男性患者随访10年的队列资料中进行检验.结果 受试者工作特征(ROC)曲线分析显示曲线下面积(AUC)最大的DRS模型包括年龄、高血压史、既往高血糖史、体重指数、空腹血糖、甘油三酯和高密度脂蛋白胆固醇(HDL-C),以此模型建立DRS积分系统,累积分值范围为0~12,4为最佳切点,此积分在试验组和检验组中的AUC分别0.726(95%CI0.692~0.759)和0.765(95%CI 0.691~0.839),敏感性分别为65.3%和68.1%,特异性分别为70.0%和64.8%,阳性预测值分别为37.0%和23.2%,阴性预测值分别为88.2%和94.1%.结论 此DRS结合了一般临床信息、血糖和血脂,对未来糖尿病具有较好的预测效能.
Objective To develop a diabetes risk score (DRS)to predict the risk of development of incident diabetes in male senile people in Beijing. Methods DRS was developed basing on a test group including a cohort of 1 370 individuals aged 48-87 years without diabetes at baseline, followed for 10 years by Logistic regression and validated on a value group including a cohort of 340 individuals aged 43-88 years without diabetes at baseline. Results The model with the highest area under the ROC curve ( AUC ) included age, hypertension,history of hyperglycemia, body mass index, fasting plasma glucose, triglycerides, and high-density lipoproteincholesterol (HDL-C). DRS was developed basing on this model with a range from 0 to 12 and an optimal cut-off of 4. AUC were respectively 0. 726 ( 95% CI0. 692-0. 759 ) and 0. 765 ( 95% CI0. 691-0. 839 ) in test group and validation group. The sum score value ≥4 had sensitivity of 65.3% and 68. 1%, specificity of 70. 0% and 64.8%, positive predictive value of 37.0% and 23.2%, negative predictive value of 88.2% and 94. 1%.Conclusion The DRS, derived from clinical information combined with plasma glucose and lipids, is an effective tool to predict incident diabetes.
Chinese Journal of Endocrinology and Metabolism
Diabetes risk score
Diabetes mellitus
Receiver-operating characteristic curve
Cohort study