目的 构建无标记的clpP基因缺陷的变异链球菌(简称变链菌)突变株.方法 设计引物PCR扩增大观霉素(Sp)抗性基因,使loxP位点位于Sp抗性基因的两侧,构建出大观霉素抗性基因盒(loxP-Sp-loxP).将clpP基因克隆到pGEM-T-Easy TA载体后,双酶切以去除clpP基因的部分序列,并连入loxP-Sp-loxP,得到clpP基因缺陷的同源重组载体pIB△clpP-Sp.将该载体线性化并电转变链菌标准株,大观霉素筛选得到clpP基因缺陷株.再以温敏质粒pCrePA电转缺陷株,Cre重组酶表达并删除选择标记基因,继而在限制性温度下培养以消除pCrePA,获得无标记的clpP基因缺陷株,并进行PCR及DNA测序鉴定.结果 PCR及DNA测序结果表明clpP基因内部分序列已被删除,且无Sp抗性基因,该部位只留有一个34 bp的loxP位点.结论 在变链菌中成功构建出无标记的clpP基因缺陷株,为进一步研究clpP基因的功能及其在变链菌致龋过程中的作用奠定了基础.
Objective To construct markless gene deletion mutant at the clpP loci on the chromosome of Streptococcus mutans(S.mutans).Methods ASp resistance gene was amplified by PCR,to construct the Sp resistance cassette where the Sp resistance gene was flanked with two loxP site.After the clpP gene was cloned into the pGEM-T-Easy TA cloning vector,it was digested and linked with the Sp resistance cassette,yielding homologous recombination vector pIB △ clpP-Sp.The vector was linearized and used for the transformation of S.mutans UA159,with transformants selected on TPY plates containing Sp.The selected strain was transformed with the thermosensitive plasmid pCrePA to excise the Sp resistance gene.The pCre-PA was then easily eliminated at nonpermissive temperature,resulting in a markless mutant strain carrying a deletion at the clpP loci,which was verified by PCR and DNA sequencing.Results The result of the PCR analysis and DNA sequencing indicated that a part of the clpP gene was deleted.There was a loxP at this loci without the Sp resistance gene.Conclusion The markless clpP-deletion mutant of S.mutans was constructed successfully,which laid a foundation for further study of its biological function and its influence on the cariogenicity of S.mutans.
Chinese Journal of Microbiology and Immunology