
不同的拔牙创处理技术在拔牙后牙槽突骨量保存中的作用 被引量:2

Effect of different treatment on tooth extraction wound in preservation of alveolar process after tooth extracted
摘要 目的:通过动物实验探讨不同的拔牙创处理方法在预防拔牙后牙槽骨吸收中的作用。方法:6条杂种犬分别拔除两侧下颌第一第二双尖牙,测量缺牙处牙槽骨的高度和宽度。随机在一拔牙窝中置入Bi o-Oss骨粉,另一拔牙窝血凝块形成自然愈合。两侧创口分别覆盖胶原膜和颊侧牙龈翻瓣后拉拢缝合。三个月后取材测量缺牙区牙槽骨的高度和宽度。结果:置骨粉组无论覆盖胶原膜还是翻瓣后牙龈拉拢缝合的牙槽骨高度和宽度的丧失均比自然愈合组小。而覆盖胶原膜组和牙龈拉拢缝合组相比骨量变化没有统计学差异。结论:置入Bi o-Oss骨粉可以有效预防拔牙后牙槽骨的吸收,拔牙创口的不同处理方法对牙槽骨吸收无明显影响。 Objective: Investigate the effect of different treatment on tooth extraction wound in preservation of alveolar process after tooth extracted through animal studies.Methods: Six adult beagle dogs were used in the study and the first and the second premolar teeth of both sides were extracted.Measured the height and the width after extraction.Bio-Oss were insert in one of the tooth socket and no treatment to the other.Tooth socket in one side was covered on collagen membrane and the other side was sutured.Measured the height and the width again after sacrifice dogs 3 months later by used the same methods.Results:The resorption of the tooth socket insert with Bio-Oss were less than the tooth socket with no treatment.There were no different between the collagen membrane and suture.Conclusion: Bio-Oss is effective for conservation of tooth socket.
出处 《中国口腔种植学杂志》 2010年第4期180-181,共2页 Chinese Journal of Oral Implantology
关键词 拔牙创 牙槽骨吸收 BIO-OSS tooth extraction wound frontal resorption Bio-Oss
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