

Applications of 3D CB mathematical morphology in liver CT image series segmentation
摘要 提出了一种基于三维CB数学形态学的CT图像中肝脏三维交互分割方法:二值化三维医学图像后用三维CB形态学腐蚀操作,断开复杂组织与其它组织间的弱连接,并对复杂组织进行连通标记;随后提取出腐蚀后的复杂组织模板,并对此模板进行三维CB形态学扩张操作,恢复先前三维CB形态学腐蚀操作消除的部分;最后采用改进的快速三维种子填充算法分割出复杂组织。肝脏CT图像中复杂组织三维分割实验结果证明了该算法的有效性。 An interactive 3D segmentation method based on 3D CB mathematical morphology for extracting complex tissues from liver CT image series is presented.Firstly,two thresholds were chosen to make the original 3D regular data set into binary dataset.Secondly,the 3D CB mathematical morphology erosion operator was applied to cut off the weak linkage relation between the complicated tissue from other tissues,and the adjacent connection relationship of the voxel(volume element) in the complicated tissue was labeled,then the complicated tissue template was extracted.Thirdly,the 3D CB mathematical morphology dilation operator was applied to the extracted tissue template to recover the tissue from the erosion template.Finally,an improved 3D seed fill algorithm was used to extract the complicated tissue.Experimental results have demonstrated the effectiveness of this segmentation method.
出处 《中国体视学与图像分析》 2010年第4期359-363,共5页 Chinese Journal of Stereology and Image Analysis
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(60502018) 厦门市科委基金项目(3502Z20064011)
关键词 肝脏分割 三维CB形态学 三维种子填充 liver segmentation 3D CB morphology 3D seed filling
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