目的探讨131I-Herceptin的稳定性与生物学特性。方法 131I-Herceptin采用Iodogen法制备,其基础放射化学纯度(RCP)为(94.9±2.7)%。4℃冰箱内放置3、24、48、72、96h,取各时间样品测RCP。取家兔5只,静脉注射131I-Herceptin后1h、3h、6h、24h、2d、3d、4d、5d取血,分离血清及血细胞,测血清131I-Herceptin的RCP,并测定血清或血细胞放射性计数百分比。各组样品RCP的差异分析采用One-way Anova检验。结果 4℃放置72h以内,RCP未见显著下降(F=15.985,P<0.001);72h后显著(t=9.971,P<0.001)下降至(82.6±2.8)%。注射后1~96h,131I-Herceptin主要存在于血清,其放射性所占比例稳定在81%~87%。注射体内后1h,血清内131I-Herceptin的RCP为(90.9±8.5)%,未见显著差异(t=1.753,P>0.05)。24h后为(75.4±3.9)%,提示开始显著降低(t=6.564,P<0.001)。结论采用Iodogen法标记的131I-Herceptin,体外放置72h内,放射化学纯度基本稳定,注入体内后主要存在于血清,24h以内放射化学纯度稳定,24h后降解明显。
Objective To evluate the in vivo and in vitro stability of 131I-Herceptin and its form of existence in the blood.Methods Herceptin was labelled with iodine-131 using the Iodogen method.131I-Herceptin was stored at 4 ℃ for 3,24,48,72 and 96 h,and the radiochemical purity(RCP) was measured by high performance liquid chromatography(HPLC).Five rabbits received injections of 131I-Herceptin and at 1,3,6,24,48,72,96 and 120 h after the injection,blood samples were taken to measure the RCP of 131I-Herceptin in the serum,and the radiocount of the serum and blood cells was calculated.Results The baseline RCP of 131I-Herceptin was(94.9±2.7)%.The RCP was stable after placement at 4 ℃ for not over 72 h(F=15.985,P 〈0.001),but was significantly lowered to(82.6±2.8)% after preservation for over 72 h(t=9.971,P〈0.001).Within the time of 1.0 to 96 h after injection in rabbits,131I-Herceptin exsited mainly in the serum with a radiocount of 81%-87%;24 h after the injection,the RCP of 131I-Herceptin in the serum was significantly lowered to(75.4±3.9)%(t=6.564,P〈0.001).Conclusion Storage at 4 ℃ for no more than 72 h does not obviously affect the activity of 131I-Herceptin in terms of RCP.After injection in rabbits,131I-Herceptin exsits mainly in the serum and its radiochemical purity remains stable within 24 h,after which obvious degradation occurs.
Journal of Southern Medical University