螺丝湾水电站工程是云南省迪庆州境内硕多岗河上建设的第二座水电站,电站装机容量为60 MW。为承担电站建设和今后电厂的生产经营,按现代企业体制“产权清晰、责权明确、政企分开、管理科学”的原则,组建了硕多岗河发电有限责任公司。公司对工程管理全面实行了业主负责制、工程建设监理制、招标承包制及合同管理制。本文仅就工程招标与合同管理在市场经济条件下应注意的诸多问题进行了探讨研究。
The Luosiwan Hydropower Station that has an installed capacity of 60MW is the second one built on the Suoduogang River within the boundaries of the Diqing Prefecture in Yunnan Province. In order to undertake the construction and production operation of the power station, the Shuoduogang River Power Generation Company Ltd. has been set up on the principle of the modern enterprise system - 'property right being clear, responsibility and authority being distinct, regulatory and enterprise functions being separated and scientific management being carried out'. The Company exercised the overall responsibility system by the owner, the project construction supervision system, the bidding and contract system and the contract management system for the construction of the project. This paper makes an approach to the bidding and contract management, a number of problems needing close attention under the market economy with the aim of benefiting the bidding and contract management for construction of the future hydropower projects.
Yunnan Water Power
Luosiwan Hydropower Station
contract management