
全球视野与本土经验 中国世界遗产突出的普遍价值及其在保护与管理中的运用 被引量:4

Global Vision and Local Experience The Outstanding Universal Value of World Heritage in China and its Protection and Management
摘要 从世界遗产公约和突出的普遍价值观念谈起,探讨了今日多变性的世界对世界遗产地产生的重大影响。在过去的15年,中国的自然和文化遗产旅游业发展越来越快,游客量既对遗产地带来巨大压力,同时也带来遗产保护的机会。在保护遗产的同时,为游客营造高质量的体验机会,是目前世界遗产地管理所面临的挑战之一。控制游客量对遗产地的影响也是另一个挑战。在这些挑战之下,还需要从提高管理者的技术水平的角度来解决问题,通过专业的学习平台为管理人员和学者提供机会去共同面对世界遗产所面临的挑战。 Starting from the World Heritage Convention and the Outstanding Universal Value,this paper explores the impacts of the changing world to the Outstanding Universal Value of the a World Heritage.Tourism in China,has grown exponentially in the last 15 years.Visitation now represents both a significant stressor on the site and a great opportunity for protection.Creating opportunities for quality visitor experiences in the face of this demand is one of the challenges facing management.Controlling impacts from visitation is another.However,lying beneath these challenges is a need to build the technical capabilities among managers to protect sites and to provide learning opportunities for the managers and scholars to embrace the changes for the protection of world heritage.
出处 《风景园林》 2011年第1期102-113,共12页 Landscape Architecture
关键词 风景园林 世界遗产 风景区规划 案例研究 Landscape Architecture World Heritage Scenic Spot Area Planning Case Study
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