地理信息系统是一种空间信息管理系统, 它依托计算机系统, 集地球空间数据采集、存储、地理位置显示、检索、分析、模型于一体, 是研究空间对象的理想工具。本文依据美国 E S R I公司开发的桌面 G I S系统— Arc View G I S 的原理与方法, 阐了建立我国地质灾害空间信息管理系统的方法、步骤以及在 Arc View G I S的支持下, 系统的开发和扩展, 以推动我国利用信息技术研究地质灾害, 达到防灾减灾的目的。
Geographic information system(GIS) is a spatial information managing system,which is with the aid of computer system,collects global spatial data collection and storing, geographical postion displaying, querying information, analyzing spatial data, creating model and more together, therefore,GIS is a powerful tool to study spatial objects.In this article,based on the principles and methods of ArcView GIS,the authors expound the ways and steps to build our national geohazard spatial information managing system, and customize and secondarily develop ArcView GIS supported by Avenue.The authors also expect to take advantage of information technology to carry geohazard study forward,as well as prevent and mitigate geohazard in all our country.
The Chinese Journal of Geological Hazard and Control